Occasional ruminations concerning painted pages, hand bound books, the use of photos in journaling and the contemplation of various other pursuits.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Just who am I?

I look at many photos from the past and in most cases, I look almost like a different person
in each one.  Some of the photos I hardly believe ARE me, but I know that they are.  This collage made in a class with Jacqueline Sullivan serves as an example of some of the varieties of me.

 When we look in the mirror we see, not reality, but what we perceive.  Our perceptions are greatly colored by our thinking and wishing.  Each person has his own reality and finds it hard to conceive the world he has made is not the same as all the other people's worlds.

It is a weird phenomenon that when I am heavy I see myself as not so bad, and when I lose weight I look so very fat.  When I think I am being informative, another person might think I am way too blunt. (Ask my sister!)

I wonder if I will ever know the real me.....inside and outside.

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