Susannah Conway spoke in her blog about how hard it is to allow yourself to be a beginner.
Van Gogh said that we must do that which we cannot do in order to learn to do it.
I received both these messages this winter, so I have to draw the conclusion that I am meant to get out of my comfort zone and move onto things I would like to learn to do, rather than sticking to the known.
My friend, Jane, has teased me greatly about choosing retreat classes that teach what I already know how to do. "Get out of your box, Marcy!"
To be a beginner, to not do reasonably well is VERY difficult and frustrating for me....ask the Donald!!
I guess it is time. Soooooo, My lettering needs a ton or work and my drawing skills are nil. These are the areas I have chosen for my next endeavors.
We shall see where these exercises lead me. Now, how about you??? Do something today that you think you cannot do!!